Property Management - Our Year in Review
Friday 25 January 2019
2019 is looking good for our property investor landlords and as per usual, demand for rental properties is high.
We have a 97% compliance with the new insulation rules so we are looking more than on track for the 1 July deadline.
The 2018 Gluckman report on methamphetamine contamination in residential properties has taken away most of the worry owners faced previously.
The Government is working on ways to assist owners in gaining damages from tenants after the Osaki decision.
Our busiest months last year were March, April and May with our highest vacancy month being March, and our lowest, August.
The below statistics from 2018 demonstrate just how hard our team of property managers work for their clients.

If you are looking for a dedicated property manager with best practise training and industry qualifications to look after your interests, give one of our team a call.

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