Have you ever thought about pursuing a career in real estate?
Monday 17 June 2019
Here are a few things to think about:
Be your own boss. You can set your work schedule, develop your client bases and decide on your marketing methods.
An outlet for creativity. You’re not artistic, but you would like a job that provides an outlet for creativity. Brochures, photo selection, listing verbiage, writing a blog; they all scratch that creative itch.
A chance to do good. Selling your home is high on the list of stressful things to do. We can ease the stress and burden for our clients and help them get where they want to go, that is a feel-good moment for sure.
Real estate salespeople are a hoot; you would get to hang out with them every day. I think real estate salespeople get a bad rap. We are mostly genuine, good people. While we may compete with one another, we try hard to be helpful and supportive. We are a fun, outgoing bunch with big personalities. A real estate office is a great place to work; I know mine is!
Excellent client service equals future rewards. A massive benefit of real estate is it’s able to reap future business rewards from the goodwill of past clients – it’s a gift that keeps on giving!
Business growth is all up to you. Your business can be as large as you want it to be. A real estate career offers vast potential for expansion, from your one-person beginnings to the addition of a personal assistant and perhaps even growing a team around you.
Henry Ford once said; “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”
Step out of your comfort zone - there are no limits as to what you can achieve in this industry. Give me a call today and let’s discuss your future with Summit Real Estate!

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